DigitalX X-F259BT

  • Output Power : 6W + 3W X 2 = 12W RMS
  • Features: USB/FM/BT/Remote/AUX
  • Speaker Unit: 5″ Sub-Woofer
  • Satellite : 3” X 2
  • Frequency Response: 100Hz ~ 20KHz

DigitalX Sound Speaker 2.1; X-F259BT

2.1 Sound System

DigitalX X-F259BT , 2.1 sound systems comes with 2 high resolution satellite speakers which is built with powerful speakers for loud and extended sound quality and 1 powerful woofer for authentic and precise sound. It gives you the performance to experience more realistic and more immersive sound.


DigitalX X-F259BT , 2.1 make it easy for wireless music around the house. Just simply connect the speaker to Your Bluetooth and listen to anything in your playlist. Enjoy wireless freedom with DigitalX X-F259BT , 2.1speakers.

Stylish Design

With The Cutting Edge design of DigitalX X-F259BT , 2.1 fit into any space, any room in your home. The sleek black design integrates seamlessly, outstanding shaped speakers that keep the profile low and pump out big sound.


  • Output Power: 8W + 4W x 2 = 16W RMS
  • Features: USB/SD/FM/BT/Remote
  • Speaker Unit: 5″ Sub Woofer
  • 3″ Speaker X 2
  • Frequency Response: 100Hz ~ 20KHz




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+880 9606 999645

Road #02, House # 02
Dhanmondi, Dhaka - 1205

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